Tattoos on a girls thigh

Super nice skull made of flowers tattoo on girls leg

Super nice skull made of flowers tattoo on girls leg

July 19, 2013
Awesome colorful skull tattoo made of flowers and an upside down heart as its nose. So many different kinds of flowers are used in this skull tattoo for ...
Double Chanel tattoos on the back of girls leg

Double Chanel tattoos on the back of girls leg

July 17, 2013
Sleek and sexy double Chanel tattoos on the backs of this girls leg most likely done in black ink. Could Chanel ask for any better advertising space? I ...
Fantastic bare tree tattoo on girls thigh

Fantastic bare tree tattoo on girls thigh

June 30, 2013
A nice autumn nature scene piece on this girls thigh is comprised of a tree with all of its leaves fallen to the ground. The tattoo is done on greyscale ...
Leg carnations with a tribal or polynesian circle

Leg carnations with a tribal or polynesian circle

June 30, 2013
A diverse flower tattoo on this girls thigh includes a tribal or Polynesian type circle, red carnations entwined within, vines, and beads going down to ...