Cat for Girls

Girls cat and mouse on a unicycle tattoo on her arm

Girls cat and mouse on a unicycle tattoo on her arm

July 25, 2013
Cool arm tattoo of  cat and mouse on a unicycle with the mouse on a pedal and the cat on the seat with a tophat on its tail. Located on this girls left ...
Cat and stuffed bunny portrait leg tattoos on girls shins

Cat and stuffed bunny portrait leg tattoos on girls shins

July 24, 2013
Two portrait tattoos are inked on this girls shins, one of her cat and one of a stuffed bunny rabbit toy. The portraits are both framed and surrounded ...
Girls cat tattoo on her feet

Girls cat tattoo on her feet

July 23, 2013
This girls cats grace the tops of both of her feet with these two cat tattoos done portrait style. An orange cat and a tabby are very well drawn in these ...
Cute cartoonish kitten on a cupcake tattoo

Cute cartoonish kitten on a cupcake tattoo

July 20, 2013
A cute anime-like cartoonish kitten on top of a cupcake tattoo on this girls leg. The cupcake looks like it has a personality and is a little stressed ...
Lithuanian style hairless cat tattoo design

Lithuanian style hairless cat tattoo design

July 01, 2013
A Lithuanian style hairless cat dressed in royal garb and jewelry with wings containing eyes behind it.  There are also roses and a snake showing its ...
Cute Buddha kitten sitting on a Lotus flower

Cute Buddha kitten sitting on a Lotus flower

June 29, 2013
Cute as hell little adorable kitten sitting like a Buddha on a Lotus flower. This little guy is trying to spread the peace Buddha style.  The cartoon-ish ...
arm tattoo of a cat holding an umbrella

arm tattoo of a cat holding an umbrella

June 22, 2013

A fancy cat walking and holding an umbrella using black and white / grey scale on this girl’ arm.