Skull Tattoos for Girls

A beautiful collection of cute skull tattoos for girls by ladies who love tats. Get some ideas & get some ink! Check out these pictures & designs.

Super nice skull made of flowers tattoo on girls leg

Super nice skull made of flowers tattoo on girls leg

July 19, 2013
Awesome colorful skull tattoo made of flowers and an upside down heart as its nose. So many different kinds of flowers are used in this skull tattoo for ...
Skull design with old school head dress of flowers, feathers, and jewlery

Skull design with old school head dress of flowers, feathers, and jewlery

July 07, 2013
A creative skull drawing with a 1920's styler headdress consisting of a ink rose, feathers, leaves, and a bird. Traditional jewelry and strings of pearls ...
Mexican sugar skull made from flowers

Mexican sugar skull made from flowers

May 24, 2013