A Beautiful Collection of Tattoos for Girls

Couples matching heart ankle tattoos

Couples matching heart ankle tattoos

This couples' heart tattoos are outlined on the back of their ankles, the girls on the left and the guys on the right ankle. The simple outlined heart ...
Lithograph-style field mouse tattoo on girls arm

Lithograph-style field mouse tattoo on girls arm

The lithograph-style field mouse tattoo on this girls arm is done in detailed black ink lines. The mouse is perched on a branch with leaves also done in ...
Nice and simple birds tattoo on girls arm

Nice and simple birds tattoo on girls arm

Cool birds tattoo on this girls arm using swallows and seagulls inked in black outlinefrom her elbow to her wrist. Almost a sleeve tattoo, these birds ...
Small black elephant tattoo on girl ankle

Small black elephant tattoo on girl ankle

A small elephant tattoo on this girls ankle inked in black just above her shoe line. The adult elephant looks like it is walking and has full tusks with ...
Cute tiny bunny rabbit arm tattoo

Cute tiny bunny rabbit arm tattoo

A cute and tiny little black bunny rabbit tattoo looking at his watch, in a very Alice in Wonderland style. The rabbit is done in plain black ink and is ...
Girls tree tattoo with swirling flowers and vines

Girls tree tattoo with swirling flowers and vines

Cool tree tattoo done in black on this girls shoulder with swirling flowers and vines as the head of the tree. Similar to a tree of life tattoo, this tat ...
Cute and girly hairdryer, lipstick, and hearts tattoo

Cute and girly hairdryer, lipstick, and hearts tattoo

Two really cute tattoos of a hairdryer and lipstick surrounded by big hearts with little hearts added in several places within the tats. These colorful ...
Fairy with Butterfly Wings and Dragonflies on Girls Shoulder

Fairy with Butterfly Wings and Dragonflies on Girls Shoulder

Sweet shoulder tattoo with a fairy sporting butterfly wings surrounded by butterflies, dragonflies, and sparkles. Many colors are used in this fantasy-themed ...
“Wish” top of foot tattoo

“Wish” top of foot tattoo

“Wish” tattooed on this girls foot in a beautiful, compact script font with a sloppy handwriting style to it using very think line and black ink.

“Never stop dreaming” quote tattoo on girls arm

“Never stop dreaming” quote tattoo on girls arm

"Never stop dreaming" is  tattoo ed on this girls arm in a thick, black calligraphy-style font with pretty large letters. Nice quote tattoo for girls. ...
“Dream of angel” quote tattoo with birds

“Dream of angel” quote tattoo with birds

“dream of angels” quote is tattooed in a non-connected cursive handwriting font in black ink with 2 tiny black birds flying away from it.

It’s always darkest before the dawn” quote tattoo on girl hip

It’s always darkest before the dawn” quote tattoo on girl hip

“It’s always darkest before the dawn” quote tattoo on this girls hip inked in black using a cute cursive font.

“i have dreams in this heart of mine.” quote tattoo on girls ribcage

“i have dreams in this heart of mine.” quote tattoo on girls ribcage

“i have dreams in this heart of mine” is tattooed on this girls ribcage just below her breast in black ink using a sloppy cursive handwriting font.

Rad octopus tattoo with geometric patterns on girls side / hip

Rad octopus tattoo with geometric patterns on girls side / hip

Super rad octopus tattoo on girls side / hip inked in black ink with swirling tentacles and lots of geometric patterns contained within. The tentacles ...
Colorful lamp tattoo on girls arm

Colorful lamp tattoo on girls arm

Colorful traditional lamp tattoo on this girls bicep is inked using nice shades of blue, purple, yellow, and grey. It has a long lamp shade with two pull-chords. ...
Small Butterfly tatto on girls foot

Small Butterfly tatto on girls foot

A small and very cute butterfly tattoo on the top of this girls foot inked in blue, purple, and white and looks to be flying towards some swirling flowers ...
“alis volat propriis” – “she flies with her own wings” quote tattoo

“alis volat propriis” – “she flies with her own wings” quote tattoo

"alis volat propriis" is latin for "she flies with her own wings" and is this girls arm quote tattoo. It is written in a loose handwriting cursive font ...
Cute detailed owl tattoo on girls arm

Cute detailed owl tattoo on girls arm

This dark colored owl tattoo on her arm is very detailed, especially around the large eyes. The colors used are dark versions of grey, red, yellow, and ...
Floral scene shoulder tattoo for girls

Floral scene shoulder tattoo for girls

Really detailed floral scene is inked on this girls shoulder. All kinds of flowers are used including tulips, daisies, and carnations in red, purple, white, ...
Black bird and rose tattoo part of girls sleeve

Black bird and rose tattoo part of girls sleeve

A black bird is perched on a rose which is outlined in black ink as well with leaves behind it. There is a chicken's foot coming from the rose with a sign ...
Girls round geometric patterns arm tattoo

Girls round geometric patterns arm tattoo

A beautifully detailed geometric pattern tattoo on this girls arm is in a circle shape with 16 tear-drop shaes poijting to a round center. Lots of detail ...
Girl’s scissors tattoo on her hand

Girl’s scissors tattoo on her hand

Wanna guess where this girl's favorite talent lies? By the look of her scissors hand tattoo, she is a bad-ass stylist. Getting this tat is a symbol of ...
Heart locket chest piece with swirling vines

Heart locket chest piece with swirling vines

A beautiful bride showing off her grand chest piece consisting of a heart locket surrounded by swirling vines and blooming flowers done with grey-scaled ...
“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.” Quote tattoo

“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.” Quote tattoo

"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." quote tattoo on girls leg written in black using a typewriter style font. a great inspirational ...
Small swallow tattoo with white dots on girls shoulder

Small swallow tattoo with white dots on girls shoulder

A small flying swallow covered in white dots is inked in black on the back of this girls shoulder. The swallow or sparrow is flying downward towards her ...
Girls cat and mouse on a unicycle tattoo on her arm

Girls cat and mouse on a unicycle tattoo on her arm

Cool arm tattoo of  cat and mouse on a unicycle with the mouse on a pedal and the cat on the seat with a tophat on its tail. Located on this girls left ...
Cat and stuffed bunny portrait leg tattoos on girls shins

Cat and stuffed bunny portrait leg tattoos on girls shins

Two portrait tattoos are inked on this girls shins, one of her cat and one of a stuffed bunny rabbit toy. The portraits are both framed and surrounded ...
Girls cat tattoo on her feet

Girls cat tattoo on her feet

This girls cats grace the tops of both of her feet with these two cat tattoos done portrait style. An orange cat and a tabby are very well drawn in these ...
Girls heart wrist tattoo with love written in outline

Girls heart wrist tattoo with love written in outline

A small heart tattoo in black with the word "love" written within its outline in a nice flowing cursive font that blends in with the heart tattoo. Cool ...
Traditional portrait tattoo with colorful butterflies and flowers

Traditional portrait tattoo with colorful butterflies and flowers

Really nice old style black and white portrait tattoo of a woman with a tear smearing her mascara wearing a colorful headdress consisting of butterflies ...