Feather Tattoos for Girls

Brids flying from a single feather tattoo on girls back

Brids flying from a single feather tattoo on girls back

July 11, 2013
Tiny birds flying from a feather are inked on this girls back towards her shoulder and almost reaching to her neck. The feather and birds are inked in ...
Feather charm bracelet wrist tattoo in black

Feather charm bracelet wrist tattoo in black

June 28, 2013
Feather bracelet tattoo around this girls wrist is done in black and white. Barbed-wire makes up the bracelet with a single feather charm dangling down ...
small feather tattoo behind girls ear

small feather tattoo behind girls ear

June 28, 2013

A small feather tattoo is linked in black behind this girls ear. Very simple and hidden in plain sight, an airy and light tattoo that is subtle.

vibrant peacock feathers and tiger lillies tattoo

vibrant peacock feathers and tiger lillies tattoo

June 18, 2013
The colors in this tattoo seem to jump right out at you.  Three super lime-green tiger lily flowers are surrounded by a rich blue pair of peacock feathers ...