Tattoos on a girls side

“i have dreams in this heart of mine.” quote tattoo on girls ribcage

“i have dreams in this heart of mine.” quote tattoo on girls ribcage

July 31, 2013

“i have dreams in this heart of mine” is tattooed on this girls ribcage just below her breast in black ink using a sloppy cursive handwriting font.

Rad octopus tattoo with geometric patterns on girls side / hip

Rad octopus tattoo with geometric patterns on girls side / hip

July 31, 2013
Super rad octopus tattoo on girls side / hip inked in black ink with swirling tentacles and lots of geometric patterns contained within. The tentacles ...
Traditional portrait tattoo with colorful butterflies and flowers

Traditional portrait tattoo with colorful butterflies and flowers

July 21, 2013
Really nice old style black and white portrait tattoo of a woman with a tear smearing her mascara wearing a colorful headdress consisting of butterflies ...
Large “Blessed” quote tattoo on girls side

Large “Blessed” quote tattoo on girls side

July 17, 2013
This "Blessed" quote tattoo is written in a large cursive font with its letters not connecting and a bit spread apart on this girls side. It begins at ...
Girls “blessed” Rib quote tattoo

Girls “blessed” Rib quote tattoo

July 16, 2013
The word "blessed" with a period is inked on this girls ribcage, just below her left breast. It's written in a fairly long and thin cursive font using ...
“I plead to change my life just before I dream, and wake to realize the change is inside me” quote tattoo

“I plead to change my life just before I dream, and wake to realize the change is inside me” quote tattoo

July 01, 2013
"...I plead to change my life just before I dream, and wake to realize the change is inside me..." lovely quote tattoo on this girls side / ribcage in ...
“Smile” simple quote tattoo on girls ribcage

“Smile” simple quote tattoo on girls ribcage

June 30, 2013
"Smile" simply written on this girls side / ribcage in a thin black wavy cursive font. Fairly small and discreet tattoo that spreads some joy. added ...
“Sunlight over me no matter what I do” quote tattoo on girls ribcage

“Sunlight over me no matter what I do” quote tattoo on girls ribcage

June 30, 2013
"Sunlight over me no matter what I do" quote tattoo on this girls ribcage / side written in black in a slightly sloppy cursive handwriting font. Broken ...
With pain comes strength – quote tattoo on girls ribcage

With pain comes strength – quote tattoo on girls ribcage

June 29, 2013

“With pain comes strength” quote tattooed on this girls side / ribcage in a handwriting style cursive font. Very simple and powerful.

Black and white roses tattoo with vines on girls side

Black and white roses tattoo with vines on girls side

June 28, 2013
Very long string on roses on a vine inked in black and white on this girls side. It pretty much stretches from her armpit to her waist. A traditional look ...
“love yourself so no one has to” quote tattoo

“love yourself so no one has to” quote tattoo

June 21, 2013
colorful lillies and black butterflies on right side of girls back

colorful lillies and black butterflies on right side of girls back

June 18, 2013
This long back piece contains a nicely done contrast between the red, pink,and purple lilly flowers and the black and white butterflies with different ...
huge purple, blue, and red plumeria flowers on girls side

huge purple, blue, and red plumeria flowers on girls side

June 18, 2013
A really long and colorful tattoo consisting of three different color plumeria flowers, one in purple, one in blue,and one in red.  There is a subtle ...
vibrant peacock feathers and tiger lillies tattoo

vibrant peacock feathers and tiger lillies tattoo

June 18, 2013
The colors in this tattoo seem to jump right out at you.  Three super lime-green tiger lily flowers are surrounded by a rich blue pair of peacock feathers ...
big lotus flower tattoo on girls side

big lotus flower tattoo on girls side

May 11, 2013
awesome peacock tattoo on girls side

awesome peacock tattoo on girls side

May 11, 2013