Tattoos on a girls quote

“Never stop dreaming” quote tattoo on girls arm

“Never stop dreaming” quote tattoo on girls arm

August 02, 2013
"Never stop dreaming" is  tattoo ed on this girls arm in a thick, black calligraphy-style font with pretty large letters. Nice quote tattoo for girls. ...
It’s always darkest before the dawn” quote tattoo on girl hip

It’s always darkest before the dawn” quote tattoo on girl hip

July 31, 2013

“It’s always darkest before the dawn” quote tattoo on this girls hip inked in black using a cute cursive font.

“alis volat propriis” – “she flies with her own wings” quote tattoo

“alis volat propriis” – “she flies with her own wings” quote tattoo

July 31, 2013
"alis volat propriis" is latin for "she flies with her own wings" and is this girls arm quote tattoo. It is written in a loose handwriting cursive font ...
“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.” Quote tattoo

“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.” Quote tattoo

July 31, 2013
"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." quote tattoo on girls leg written in black using a typewriter style font. a great inspirational ...
i carry your heart w

i carry your heart w

July 17, 2013
Girls quote tattoo on her forearm reads "I carry your heart with me" in a medium to large sized calligraphy font using black ink. The quote tattoo goes ...
Large “Blessed” quote tattoo on girls side

Large “Blessed” quote tattoo on girls side

July 17, 2013
This "Blessed" quote tattoo is written in a large cursive font with its letters not connecting and a bit spread apart on this girls side. It begins at ...
“Fearless” quote tattoo on back of girls neck

“Fearless” quote tattoo on back of girls neck

July 16, 2013

Simple and elegantly, “fearless” is inked of the back of this girls neck in a thin black cursive handwriting font.

done at Lush Tattoo

Girls “blessed” Rib quote tattoo

Girls “blessed” Rib quote tattoo

July 16, 2013
The word "blessed" with a period is inked on this girls ribcage, just below her left breast. It's written in a fairly long and thin cursive font using ...