Tattoos on a girls feather

Brids flying from a single feather tattoo on girls back

Brids flying from a single feather tattoo on girls back

July 11, 2013
Tiny birds flying from a feather are inked on this girls back towards her shoulder and almost reaching to her neck. The feather and birds are inked in ...
Girls sleeve tattoos with patterns, deer, feathers, heart, & a butterfly

Girls sleeve tattoos with patterns, deer, feathers, heart, & a butterfly

July 01, 2013
This girls left arm sleeve tattoo is made up of a bunch of different designs. A cool natural pattern resembling a snowflake is inked on her wrist area, ...
Beautiful white horse half-sleeve on girls arm

Beautiful white horse half-sleeve on girls arm

June 29, 2013
Girls love their horses! This half-sleeve tattoo has been dedicated to a beautiful white horse with regal purple and gold reins, and a feather in its main. ...
Feather charm bracelet wrist tattoo in black

Feather charm bracelet wrist tattoo in black

June 28, 2013
Feather bracelet tattoo around this girls wrist is done in black and white. Barbed-wire makes up the bracelet with a single feather charm dangling down ...
small feather tattoo behind girls ear

small feather tattoo behind girls ear

June 28, 2013

A small feather tattoo is linked in black behind this girls ear. Very simple and hidden in plain sight, an airy and light tattoo that is subtle.