A Beautiful Collection of Tattoos for Girls

Cute cartoonish kitten on a cupcake tattoo

Cute cartoonish kitten on a cupcake tattoo

A cute anime-like cartoonish kitten on top of a cupcake tattoo on this girls leg. The cupcake looks like it has a personality and is a little stressed ...
Super nice skull made of flowers tattoo on girls leg

Super nice skull made of flowers tattoo on girls leg

Awesome colorful skull tattoo made of flowers and an upside down heart as its nose. So many different kinds of flowers are used in this skull tattoo for ...
“Unus Vita” – “One Life” in Latin quote tattoo on girls wrist

“Unus Vita” – “One Life” in Latin quote tattoo on girls wrist

"Unus Vita" is tattooed o nthis girls wrist,meaning "One Life" in Latin. It is written in black wide and fancy cursive font on the outside of her wrist. ...
Girls colorful peacock sleeve tattoo

Girls colorful peacock sleeve tattoo

Very colorful girls peacock sleeve tattoo made up mostly of feathers with the birds eye near her shoulder. Really nice detail and colors. Greens, blues, ...
Traditional portrait tattoo with flowers

Traditional portrait tattoo with flowers

Really nice use of contrast in this girls portrait tattoo with the woman's portrait done in grayscale and the flowers surrounding her using pink, yellow ...
small and simple zebra tattoo on girl hip

small and simple zebra tattoo on girl hip

The very simply drawn black small zebra tattoo on this girls hip looks like it is running at full gallop. Super cool and creative way to do a zebra tattoo ...
i carry your heart w

i carry your heart w

Girls quote tattoo on her forearm reads "I carry your heart with me" in a medium to large sized calligraphy font using black ink. The quote tattoo goes ...
Cute Anchor Tattoo with Pink Bow on Girls Shoulder

Cute Anchor Tattoo with Pink Bow on Girls Shoulder

A super cute anchor tattoo done in solid black with a big pink ribbon tied to the top of the anchor. The pink ribbon usually represents a symbol of breast ...
Small black birds tattoo on girls shoulder

Small black birds tattoo on girls shoulder

Small black birds are inked on this girls shoulder from her right breast to her shoulder. The birds are simply done and seem to be flying around in random ...
Victoria Beckham Hebrew tattoo on her back

Victoria Beckham Hebrew tattoo on her back

Victoria Beckham's back tattoo reads "Ani l’dodi li va’ani lo haro’eh bashoshanim," which translates to "I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine" ...
Large “Blessed” quote tattoo on girls side

Large “Blessed” quote tattoo on girls side

This "Blessed" quote tattoo is written in a large cursive font with its letters not connecting and a bit spread apart on this girls side. It begins at ...
Blessed quote tattoo on back of girls neck

Blessed quote tattoo on back of girls neck

This quote tattoo on the back of her neck reads “Blessed” and is inked in black using a fairly big fancy cursive font.

“I carry your heart…” quote tattoo on the back of girls shoulder

“I carry your heart…” quote tattoo on the back of girls shoulder

A nice quote tattoo on this girls back shoulder that reads: "I carry your heart with me, I carry it in my heart. I am never without it" in a neat and small ...
“Always remember who you are” quote tattoo on girls arm

“Always remember who you are” quote tattoo on girls arm

From her wrist to her elbow, "Always remember who you are" is inked on the inside of this girls arm in a medium-sized swirly handwriting script font using ...
“Fearless” quote tattoo on back of girls neck

“Fearless” quote tattoo on back of girls neck

Simple and elegantly, “fearless” is inked of the back of this girls neck in a thin black cursive handwriting font.

done at Lush Tattoo

Girls “blessed” Rib quote tattoo

Girls “blessed” Rib quote tattoo

The word "blessed" with a period is inked on this girls ribcage, just below her left breast. It's written in a fairly long and thin cursive font using ...
Owl tattoo with quote and roses on girls leg

Owl tattoo with quote and roses on girls leg

Perched owl tattoo on this girls leg with a quote just below the owl that reads "I come to learn as time goes by that I should trust what's deep inside." ...
Cool jellyfish tattoo on girls ankle

Cool jellyfish tattoo on girls ankle

Sweet jellyfish tattoo on this girls ankle uses blue, purple, and black ink in a very line-heavy format. Interesting patterns make up many of the tentacles ...
Brids flying from a single feather tattoo on girls back

Brids flying from a single feather tattoo on girls back

Tiny birds flying from a feather are inked on this girls back towards her shoulder and almost reaching to her neck. The feather and birds are inked in ...
Cool artistic tattoos on girls feet

Cool artistic tattoos on girls feet

Some cool artistic tattoos on this girls feet that use black, green, and red in making a streaky-messy but tasteful patterns on the tops of both of her ...
Alice in Wonderland Quote Tattoo on Girls Arm

Alice in Wonderland Quote Tattoo on Girls Arm

Alice in wonderland quote tattoo shaped in a heart on this girls arm / shoulder reads, "We're All Mad Here." The text is in black whilethe swirling vines, ...
Blessed hand quote tattoo

Blessed hand quote tattoo

This is a girls hand tattoo that says "Blessed" in a sloppy handwriting style font written in black and located on the side of her palm. A very nice small ...
Skull design with old school head dress of flowers, feathers, and jewlery

Skull design with old school head dress of flowers, feathers, and jewlery

A creative skull drawing with a 1920's styler headdress consisting of a ink rose, feathers, leaves, and a bird. Traditional jewelry and strings of pearls ...
Tiny black scorpio ankle tattoo

Tiny black scorpio ankle tattoo

Tiny black scorpion tattooed on this girls ankle is inked in all black and probably represents being born under the astronomical sign of Scorpio. A very ...
Intricate old school flowers and dreamcatcher shoulder tattoo

Intricate old school flowers and dreamcatcher shoulder tattoo

An old school style shoulder tattoo with pink and purple flowers around her shoulder, black flowers and vines just below them, and a dreamcatcher extending ...
Cute and colorful laughing baby panda tattoo

Cute and colorful laughing baby panda tattoo

Cute and small laughing baby panda tattoo on her wrist uses many different colors including  blue,purple,green,red,white,and black. It looks like the ...
Old school floral patterns tattoo on girls legs

Old school floral patterns tattoo on girls legs

Very unique design in these leg tattoos that go from her shins to her toes. The upper part of the tattoo look like is is done in flower-like patters, while ...
“Be kind to yourself” quote tattoo to deter self harming

“Be kind to yourself” quote tattoo to deter self harming

"Be kind to yourself" quote tattoo written in a thin black font on her arm,with obvious signs of self harming surrounding it. A constant reminder for her ...
Girls sleeve tattoos with patterns, deer, feathers, heart, & a butterfly

Girls sleeve tattoos with patterns, deer, feathers, heart, & a butterfly

This girls left arm sleeve tattoo is made up of a bunch of different designs. A cool natural pattern resembling a snowflake is inked on her wrist area, ...