Owl for Girls

Cute detailed owl tattoo on girls arm

Cute detailed owl tattoo on girls arm

July 31, 2013
This dark colored owl tattoo on her arm is very detailed, especially around the large eyes. The colors used are dark versions of grey, red, yellow, and ...
Owl tattoo with quote and roses on girls leg

Owl tattoo with quote and roses on girls leg

July 15, 2013
Perched owl tattoo on this girls leg with a quote just below the owl that reads "I come to learn as time goes by that I should trust what's deep inside." ...
Black locket style owl back tattoo

Black locket style owl back tattoo

June 29, 2013
An owl is centered in a locket style design or oval picture frame in this girls upper back tattoo. The owl's eyes are really big and the lines around it ...
Colorful cartoon patched owl leg tattoo

Colorful cartoon patched owl leg tattoo

June 29, 2013
A really colorful cartoon patched owl leg perched on a branch surrounded by flowers makes up this girls leg tattoo. The owlis kinda like a stuffed animal ...
Cute cartoon owl perched on a branch ankle tattoo

Cute cartoon owl perched on a branch ankle tattoo

June 29, 2013
Girls cute little cartoony owl perched on a branch tattooed on her ankle. The enlarged head and eyes of her adorable little owl with big eyelashes is super ...